Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Money and Power Still Rule...

It was announced today that Dallas Mavericks owner will make a $10 million contribution to women's organizations because of the rampant sexual harassment in his organization. The NBA will not pursue any further punishments against him. Despite that their investigation found "'a corporate culture rife with misogyny and predatory sexual behavior' that spanned decades in the Mavericks' organization." That went on for decades. Mark Cuban is a billionaire. What is $10 million to him? He will probably just write it off as an expense anyway to lower his tax bill. How is this different than the L.A. Clippers fiasco where their owner made a racist comment in private and was forced to sell his team? Are we to believe that Mark Cuban was that blind to went on in his organization? For decades? Really? But he makes a "contribution" and as far as the NBA is concerned the matter is closed? I actually thought out of all the major sports the NBA was the most aware of their social responsibilities in society and would try to do the right thing. I see I was wrong...

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