Friday, April 17, 2009

Is it wrong to read for fun?

There is a great article in the current Newsweek about reading for fun. The article "Why is it a Sin to Read for Fun" talks about author Jodi Picoult and whether it is ok to read for pleasure. My answer is yes. Literary fiction does have its place and I like to pick one up from time to time. There is a certain sense of accomplishment when finishing a difficult book. But reading should not be work. For that reason there will always be a place for popular fiction too.

I equate fiction with storytelling. Does anyone really think that our ancestors sat around the campfire telling literary stories? They told stories that engaged us. Stories that made us laugh, cry, shock, amaze, and illuminate the human condition. Stories that brought us together and showed us who and what we are. That is what good fiction does. I know there are plenty of people who look down their bespectacled noses and scoff at the works of James Patterson, Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts and their kind. But they have their rightful place in the pantheon of authors.

There is an old adage that says one should never apologize for what they read. I fully believe this and pass this along to everyone who questions a book or author. Reading should be fun. There is a time and place for more challenging literature. For me though on a late night curled up on the couch with a nice single malt scotch, I will prefer something a little lighter. But then again that is just me and I am not going to apologize for it...

1 comment:

Wa said...

I wouldn't say it's wrong to read for fun. I would say that it is wrong for some value of wrong to read only for fun. And to read only the same kinds of things. It's good to expand your boundaries and reading offers you a nice safe way to explore worlds you might not get a chance to otherwise.

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