Friday, November 19, 2010


I'm still upset about this years Great Lakes Christmas Ale. They claim it is the same recipe but it tastes different. Every year it tastes different. Last year I bought five cases of it. This year I bought a six pack and after trying it I am pretty sure that is all I will be buying. Which is a shame. They have been one of my favorite breweries for a long time. But for some reason they have a problem being consistent with their seasonal beers lately. The Glockenspiel this year was not even closed to what it was a few years ago. Why change the recipe? Beer is not like wine or even whiskey. It should stay the same. And it does for their regular year round beers. This is one case where change is not a good thing...

1 comment:

:hamad said...

as things become popular, and companies make a crap load of money of their product...quality tends to go down. plato argued that this is one of the problems with a capitalistic system. besides...i've had better...

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