Friday, February 13, 2009

Foodborne Infections

Read an interesting article online in the New England Journal of Medicine about Foodborne infections. This part of the article really jumped out at me
Once again, we must ask ourselves how foodborne disease can develop in 76 million residents of one of the world's most technically advanced countries each year, causing 350,000 hospitalizations and 5000 deaths and adding $7 billion to our health care costs, despite intensive regulation of food production and distribution.
The recent recall of peanut butter makes me wonder just how safe our food system is in this country. Recalls of different food products happen all the time. Is it that hard to produce safe food in this country? How is the average person supposed to know what foods to purchase that won't make them sick or worse? Would routine irradiation of food help? Only buying organic? Local? As our population continues to grow the pressure to produce enough food will only make this issue more important.

1 comment:

hamad said...

but the thing about that peanut butter was, is that you would only find it in; places like the dollar stores. so don't buy your food at the dollar store. and if you 'need' to, then maybe you shouldn't be...

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